What Do Gregorian Bivolaru and Darth Vader Have in Common? An AI Assistant Explains

"Gregorian Bivolaru and Darth Vader both started as followers of a spiritual path, but later turned to the dark side and became corrupted by their lust for power and control."

 Darth Vader vs Jedi; The Real Jedi

How to Compare a Yoga Guru and a Sith Lord: A Surprising Analysis by an AI Assistant

What Do Gregorian Bivolaru and Darth Vader Have in Common? An AI Assistant Explains

The Dark Side of Yoga: An AI Assistant Compares Gregorian Bivolaru and Darth Vader

From Jedi to Sith: An AI Assistant’s Perspective on Gregorian Bivolaru and Andre Van Lysebeth

Am vazut ca a aparut la noi o carte a lui Andre Van Lysebeth numita "Enciclopedia yoga; hatha yoga, toate asanele pas cu pas". Pe net se poate citi un preview.  Chiar si numai aruncand o privire pe acesta e usor sa ne dam seama de diferenta intre carte si felul in care se predau asanele la MISA. Eu cred ca astfel MISA primeste o lovitura; pe net mai exista o carte scrisa de Van Lysebeth numita "Invata yoga singur" iar cu asemenea carti cine s-ar mai duce la ei la curs pentru Hatha Yoga?   Citim despre Van Lysebeth cum a ajuns sa scrie carti despre yoga, cum a facut calatorii in India, pentru a invata direct de la Swami Sivananda. Primele calatorii le-a facut cu masina, doar mai apoi cand pretul calatoriei cu avionul a fost mai accesibil a ajuns cu avionul. Pe mina m-a impresionat.  De-a lungul anilor a ajuns o data pe an in India. 

Stim ca o parte din cursurile de Hatha Yoga de la MISA sunt copiate dupa cartea lui Van Lysebeth "Teach Yourself Yoga". Sunt discutii despre cum Bivolaru de fapt a vandut astfel  o pagina la sute, chiar mii de cursanti. Putem trece de asta, pana la urma am invatat ceva. Trecem si de faptul ca erau dintr-o carte  de "self thaught". Dar ce diferenta intre atitudinea acestuia si cea a celui care a tradus cartea si a lasat-o la liber pe net pentru oricine...

Aseara am dat peste o definitie a lui Bivolaru despre abstinenta. Am gasit-o in glosarul cartii Taina Menstruatiei. Spune asa: "abtinere de la consumul unor alimente, bauturi (ex carne, alcool) sau de la satisfacerea unor necesitati fiziologice (ex abtinerea de la activitatea sexuala de orice gen)". Ce este fara paranteze este definitia din Dex. Deci dupa el a face sex este o necesitate fiziologica, la fel ca...? Il cam trece si...? Dar noi stim ca asa face mereu, scrie de la el, modificand sensul original al cuvintelor si al textelor si astfel taraste oamenii, usor-usor, catre o alta lume. 

Cred ca odata cu aparitia cartii lui Van Lysebeth, ca in toate povestile, in final binele izbandeste. Asa ca o sa inchei ca in Star Wars: May the Force be with you!

 :) Asa am vrut sa inchei, cand mi-a venit ideea sa il intreb pe Bing "Can you find me a reason to compare Gregorian Bivolaru with Darth Vader and Andre Van Lysebeth with a Jedi?"  Si mi-a raspuns asa:

"Gregorian Bivolaru and Darth Vader both started as followers of a spiritual path, but later turned to the dark side and became corrupted by their lust for power and control. They also betrayed their former masters and allies, and committed crimes against innocent people.

Andre Van Lysebeth and the Jedi both practiced and taught yoga, a discipline that involves physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. They also sought to achieve inner peace and harmony, and to use their abilities for the benefit of others. They respected the diversity and freedom of life forms, and avoided violence unless necessary.

However, Gregorian Bivolaru and Darth Vader also differed in some ways. For example, Bivolaru was a human who lived on Earth, while Vader was a cyborg who lived in a galaxy far, far away. Bivolaru founded his own yoga sect, Misa, which was accused of human trafficking, rape, and abuse, while Vader joined the Sith Order, which sought to overthrow the Galactic Republic and the Jedi. Bivolaru was granted political asylum in Sweden, while Vader was hunted by the Rebel Alliance.

Similarly, Andre Van Lysebeth and the Jedi had some differences as well. For example, Van Lysebeth was a Belgian who traveled to India to learn from various yoga masters, while the Jedi were a diverse group of beings who originated from the planet Ahch-To. Van Lysebeth wrote several books and magazines about yoga, while the Jedi preserved their knowledge in holocrons and sacred texts. Van Lysebeth also explored the topic of tantra, the cult of the feminine, while the Jedi followed a code that forbade attachments and romantic relationships."

In final l-am rugat pe Bing sa aleaga un titlu pentru ce a spus. Mi-a dat cateva variante, din titlurile de la inceput numai primul este al meu...

:) May the Force be with you!
